She sat there, dead in her fear, not knowing what to do, when all of a sudden she began to whimper, and then to cry, and then to bellow. With that all the humions stopped gnashing their terrible teeth, and so on. Strangely, they all began to cry too. Between sobs and bellows and whimpers they tried to figure out what was going on!
When Melanie Marie realized what was happening, she started to giggle, and then to laugh, and then to combust with outrageous laughter! All of a sudden the humions did the same, and they did it completely against their will! Finally, Melanie Marie gained her composure and started to address the funny beasts.
"Dear Sirs, please disregard all of those terrible stories you have heard about me!" she exclaimed eloquently," I am just passing through perhaps it would be alright if I visit your village, I would love to see it."
"So you are the one that was said to be so vicious?" one of the humions spoke up.
"I suppose, but you were quite mistaken! I am not vicious at all!" she replied with a sweet smile and a cheery face.Her charm tamed the beasts in an instant, they could not bring themselves to do any harm to the little gnome. What Melanie Marie didn't seem to notice was that her emotions were contagious to the humions.
"Let's sing for her!" the lead humion cried out in pure joy, which he had acquired due to Melanie Marie's overpowering happiness. The others agreed immediately. So, the humions, beaming their brightest, lifter their rich, jovial voices and began to sing a most wonderful song.
Melanie Marie thought she was in Heaven. When she was a gnomeling she had always heard tales of the beautiful songs of the humions. The real thing, however, was much more exuberant and beautiful than anyone could have ever described. She suddenly drifted off into a deep sleep, unaware of how exhausted she had actually been.
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
5 hours ago
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