In honor of my mother, I am going to list five reasons why I am thankful for her.
1. As soon as my mother found out she was pregnant with me she started praying for me. She has continued to pray for me every day of my life.
2. She recently told me that the first thing she did when I was born (like right after I was cleaned off and given back to her) was to share the gospel with me. I still can't express how much that means to me - that the most important thing concerning me to my mother has always been my soul. This is so true that her very first words to me were about the amazing love of Christ.
3. She gave me five younger siblings who I love very dearly. I remember when I was little she told me she was pregnant before my dad a couple of times and I had to keep it a secret. I always thought it was extremely privileged knowledge.
4. She doesn't ever complain. Seriously, I don't know if I have ever heard her complain about something trivial. She get's upset when truly sad things happen, and I have seen her unhappy, but I can count on one hand the number of times I have seen her in a bad mood out of selfishness in my whole life time. With six kids and a husband who is a pastor, that's absolutely incredible.
5. She enjoys simple things and trusts God to take care of everything else. My mom doesn't worry or try and control or manipulate things. She just lets them happen and knows God is sovereign over them. She has always had this attitude towards the lives of us, her children - that she trusts God with us. Her trusting God with my life since before I was born has helped me to trust God with my life since I have left my family because it's the only thing I've ever known how to do.
Thank you mom, for being a remarkable woman. I love you very very much. And I can't wait to see you Friday!
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
5 hours ago
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